Sunday, 19 January 2014

New year song thrush

The Song Thrush has a skulking, unassuming nature, not as bold as the Blackbird or Mistle thrush, and much more cryptic than the first. During and after the summer moult it becomes almost invisible. But as the start of the year approaches males start to sing, and then they become bold and loud, choosing a prominent post, usually the topmost branches of a tree and delivering their clear, musical phrases, often including mimicry of other birds, and repeated a few times each in long sessions. I watched a male in the park yesterday for a while - I ended up getting neck ache!. The singing was punctuated with nervous glances up into the sky at the slightest disturbance, and I guess that singing makes males quite exposed and vulnerable to predation.
Can you spot the Song Thrush on the large Horse Chestnut?


  1. Top centre. Not so easy when they sing from the middle of a holly tree.

  2. Well done Ralph, spot on! I had to walk all around the tree until it came into view.

  3. I was just searching the web to find out which sex of the Song Thrush does the singing. I figured the male would have that role, but your nice description and blog are a bonus. I’ve only seen the singing male once, and it was much as you describe. I think I’ve spotted the shy bird in the underbrush, but so shy and quiet!
