Monday, 14 April 2014

Great tit holding seed

A Great tit holds a seed that just fetched from a bird table. Tits in general are dextrous birds, and often manipulate seeds or fruits before consumption. There are many passerine birds that hold food with their feet, from a total of 20 families in a revision on the topic by George Clark. Other examples include Carrion Crow, Rook, Siskin, Goldfinch and Crossbill.

More information

Clark, G. A. (1973). Holding food with the feet in passerines. Bird-Banding, 91-99. here.


  1. I do like the Great tit, but have very few visiting the garden, Blue and Coal are the main two.At the park I record at there are good numbers there so thats good.

  2. In my garden Blue tits are most common (in fact nesting under neighbours roof, then Great, then coal.
