1. Snort
A short grunt or snort, often uttered when the swans are relaxed, and appears as a contact call while feeding, between members of a family, but also a greeting call. A lone young swan snorted when I walked by a lake near him.
2. Begging call
A soft repeated whistle typical call of young. Mute Swans don't 'feed' their young by putting food in their bills, but they help the young to obtain their food by paddling with their feet to disturb the sediments or by pulling underwater plants. Even fully grown immature swans carry on whistling.
3. Wing-beat SoundThis loud sound produced by the mute swan's wing-beats is really eery, especially when it takes you unawares until you realise that is coming from a swan. It carries very well and appears to replace the trumpeting contact calls of other swans.
4. Hissing
An aggressive sound, usually uttered by the female she has small young and a danger (human, dog) approaches. The bill is open and the swan adopts an upright stance towards the danger source.
5. Contact all
A two-note contact call reminiscent of other swan's flight call. I heard this call when a pair was separated, maybe during landing (one ended up in the river, the other one in a lake). Also when a Mute Swan flew over a family, the juveniles used this distance call.
6. Courtship calls
A range of snorts and grunts during courtship.
Have I missed any? Let me know in the comments.