Saturday, 17 December 2011

City gulls

Most gulls breed away from towns and cities, in lakes, cliffs and other wild habitats. In the winter, however, several species undergo a regional migration toward human habitats, and come back in flocks to use the abundant resources we provide them: litter, refuse and bread. One of the most abundant is the Common Gull, Larus canus. Above, an individual in the pose at the end of giving a long call.

It is curious that gull species have different habitat preferences, even inside towns. Common gulls (all photos above) are abundant in the local parks and are often seen flying over busy streets, but they are rarely seen feeding there. They are very social, and often feed in large flocks on expanses of grass, often seen "worming", with a funny dance, or waking looking intently to the ground. They join ducks and pigeons to be fed with bread in my local park, where I took the photos above, and then they are very approachable. When at close quarters, they have a gentle face, with dark eyes and a rounded head, and greenish bill and legs. Although their heads are white in summer, they are lightly spotted in winter.

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